

دكتورة سارة شريدر

أستاذ مشارك في كلية الصيدلة بجامعة كنساس

دكتور جوزيف أ. زوريك

ربط شبكات التعاون المهني ، أستاذ مشارك ، كلية التمريض - مركز العلوم الصحية بجامعة تكساس في سان أنطونيو.

عن المؤتمر


صمم برنامج ورشة العمل لمساعدة فرق من أعضاء هيئة التدريس مكونة من (3-5) أفراد، لتخطيط وتقييم تعليم المهن الطبية المتعددة المجالات على يد أمهر الخبراء من خلال إقامة الأنشطة والمناقشات وتقديم عروض تقديمية متنوعة لعرض خبراتهم. في نهاية ورشة العمل، سيكون المشاركون قادرين على:

  • إدراك أهمية تعليم المهن الطبية المتعددة المجالات ومدى ملاءمتها مع متطلبات المناهج الدراسية الأخرى.
  • تصميم وبناء خبرات تعليم المهن الطبية المتعددة المجالات التمهيدية والمتقدمة.
  • إعداد الطلبة والمرشدين ومواقع التدريب لبيئة تعليم متميزة.
  • خلق سياسة تقييم فعالة لبرنامج تعليم المهن الطبية المتعددة المجالات الخاصة بكل فرد.

برنامج الورشة


Overcoming Common Barriers to Inter-Professional Education


Opening Ceremony

Brief remarks from Al Ain University (AAU), Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)

17:00 Welcome by Master of Ceremonies,
Dr. Khairi Mustafa, Dean,
College of Pharmacy,
Al Ain University, UAE
17:05 Dr. Lucinda Maine,
Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Office,
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP)
17:10 Prof. Ghaleb El-Refae,
Al Ain University, UAE
17:15 Prof. Amjad Qandil,
Commissioner and representative of Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), UAE 
17:20 Mr. Mike Rouse,
Director, International Services,
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, USA 


Plenary #1 with Q&A – Drs. Joe Zorek & Sarah Shrader

  • Describe common barriers to IPE
  • Discuss examples from Dr. Shrader’s & Dr. Zorek’s universities regarding strategies to overcome these common barriers to IPE
  • Develop a strategy for overcoming barriers at your university


Presentation from Gulf Medical University (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Role Modelling Interprofessional Care in Experiential Education

Fithawit Gebreigziabher, PharmD,
College of Pharmacy,
Gulf Medical University, UAE




Presentation from Lebanese International University (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Design of an Interprofessional Education Course Involving Pharmacy, Biomedical Sciences, and Nutrition Students

Jihan Safwan, RPh, PharmD,
Biomedical Sciences Department, School of Pharmacy,
Lebanese International University, Lebanon


Team Time #1 (with assignment) - Schools to meet in breakout sessions

  • The overall goal for team time is to create a plan for development and implementation of an IPE activity to be delivered at your university within the next 12 months
  • You will be able to apply specific principles from the plenary session to your IPE activity
  • Guided discussion questions and an activity planning document will be provided
  • Zorek & Shrader will be available for consultation with your team during the session


Feedback from Team Time (6 schools @ 4 minutes); Discussion & Wrap Up


Developing Meaningful Inter-Professional Education Online


Plenary #2 with Q&A – Drs. Joe Zorek & Sarah Shrader

  • Describe “best practices” for developing and delivering meaningful online IPE activities
  • Discuss examples from Dr. Shrader’s & Zorek’s universities regarding online IPE activities
  • Develop a strategy for developing a meaningful online IPE activity at your university


Presentation from Gulf Medical University (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Development of early clinical exposure interprofessional education in Gulf Medical University Academic Health System

Dixon Thomas, PhD,
Associate Dean Clinical, College of Pharmacy,
Gulf Medical University, UAE




Presentation from University of Florida, U.S. (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Moving from the Home to Zoom: Pivoting a Community Service Learning IPE Program Online

Amy Blue, PhD,
Associate Vice President for Interprofessional Education,
University of Florida Health


Presentation from Al Ain University, UAE (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Developing an online platform for inter-professional education in the era of distance learning: a feasibility study

Ahmed Alhusban, Pharm. D., Ph.D


Team Time #2 (with assignment) - Schools to meet in breakout sessions

  • The overall goal for team time is to create a plan for development and implementation of an IPE activity to be delivered at your university within the next 12 months
  • You will be able to apply specific principles from the plenary session to your IPE activity
  • Guided discussion questions and an activity planning document will be provided
  • Zorek & Shrader will be available for consultation with your team during the session


Feedback from Team Time (7 schools @ 4 minutes); Discussion & Wrap Up


Assessment in Inter-Professional Education


Plenary #3 with Q&A – Drs. Joe Zorek & Sarah Shrader

  • Describe common IPE assessment frameworks and resources
  • Discuss examples from Dr. Shrader’s & Dr. Zorek’s universities regarding assessment of IPE
  • Develop a strategy for the assessment of IPE at your university


Presentation from Batterjee Medical College (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Virtual IPE Activity During COVID-19 - Batterjee Medical College Experience

Ahmed Altyar,
King Abdulaziz University,
Faculty of Pharmacy & Batterjee Medical College,
Saudi Arabia &Nehmat Ghaboura,
Batterjee Medical College, Saudi Arabia




Presentation from Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S. (10 minutes plus 5 minutes Q&A)

Multisource Data for Assessment and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education

Alan Dow, MD, MSHA,
Assistant Vice President of Health Sciences for Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Care

Kelly Lockeman, PhD,
Director of Evaluation and Assessment, Center for Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Care,
Virginia Commonwealth University


Team Time #3 (with assignment) - Schools to meet in breakout sessions

  • The overall goal for team time is to create a plan for development and implementation of an IPE activity to be delivered at your university within the next 12 months
  • You will be able to apply specific principles from the plenary session to your IPE activity
  • Guided discussion questions and an activity planning document will be provided
  • Zorek & Shrader will be available for consultation with your team during the session


Feedback from Team Time (7 schools @ 4 minutes); Discussion


Closing Remarks and Thank-You’s: AAU, ACPE & AACP