

Craig D. Cox, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS

Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice & Vice Chair of Experiential Programs, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy, Lubbock, TX

Susan S. Vos, PharmD, FAPhA

Clinical Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Professional Education, The University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, Iowa City, Iowa USA

About the Conference

This program is designed to help teams of faculty members and administrators from a university to work together to further enhance their existing experiential education programs.  Expert faculty will lead discussions and activities to highlight well-published practices from around the world designed to ensure high quality experiential curricula.  This information will be foundational to team-based activities that will occur throughout the workshop.  Sessions will discuss all elements of experiential education, with a focus on strategic planning and quality assurance as it relates to thematic areas of experiential education (preceptors, sites, curriculum, and assessment).  Although this is a continuation of the discussion from the March 2018 workshop, content will be designed and presented in a way that is beneficial to both returning and first time teams.  Prior to the 2019 session, participating institutions will be invited to prepare posters to share successes of one or more of their experiential programs they implemented.
Individual teams will also have the opportunity to meet with expert faculty on the last (optional) day of the workshop to discuss specific issues related to your home institution.

Reviews from 2018


Plenary 1 Review from 2018. Vos. Why is Experiential Education Critical.

Plenary 2 Review from 2018. Cox. What Do You Want Your Learners to Learn

Plenary 3 Review from 2018. Vos. Who are your Partners

Plenary 4 Review from 2018. Cox. How Do You Know When You Have Reached Your Vision



Arrival and Registration


Participants take seats in auditorium


Welcome, Introductions and Opening Remarks

Prof. Ghaleb Al Refae, President, Al Ain University of Science and Technology, AAU
Prof. Stephen Arkle, Commissioner, The Commission for Academic Accreditation
Mike Rouse, Director, International Services, ACPE


Introduction to Team Times

John Ressler


Coffee Break


Plenary Session 1

Title: A Strategic Approach to Take Your Experiential Program to the Next Level:  What Will it Take?
Description: This session will provide an overview of the different components of an experiential program (including preceptor, students, curriculum, and assessment) and how through the use of a strategic plan and comprehensive quality assurance program experiential education goals can be successfully monitored and achieved.  This session will set the stage for the subsequent three plenaries that will address each of these areas in more detail.

Craig D. Cox, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS




Plenary Session 2

Title: Best Practices: Curriculum and Assessment
Description: This session will highlight best practices for creating structure to experiential education through curriculum and assessment.  We will begin with the end in mind and focus on learning outcomes, activities to teach students, and ensuring students have learned in the pharmacy practice setting. Examples published in the literature will be showcased.

Susan S. Vos, PharmD, FAPhA


Team Time 1 (coffee available)

Description:  Teams will be provided the opportunity to begin the strategic planning process for issues specifically focused on their institution.  Teams will be encouraged to identify goals and potential strategies to reach these goals in the areas of curriculum development and assessment which will be reviewed during Plenary 2.  Expert faculty will be available to answer questions and help facilitate the team time exercises. 


Day’s Wrap-Up and Questions




Plenary Session 3

Title: Best Practices:  Preceptor Development
Description: This session will focus on examples in the literature of reaching preceptors through training and ongoing development.  We will look at the needs of preceptors and adult learners and highlight examples published in the literature on preceptor development strategies. 

Susan S. Vos, PharmD, FAPhA


Coffee Break


Team Time 2

Description:  Teams will be provided the opportunity to begin the strategic planning process for issues specifically focused on their institution.  Teams will be encouraged to identify goals and potential strategies to reach these goals in the areas of preceptor training and development which will be reviewed during Plenary 3.  Expert faculty will be available to answer questions and help facilitate the team time exercises. 




Plenary Session 4

Title: Best Practices:  Quality Assurance in Experiential Education
Description: This session will focus on examples in the literature of quality assurance initiatives and programs that institutions have used to assess the performance of their experiential programs.  Specific examples related to preceptor development, curriculum development, and curricular assessment will all be addressed.

Craig D. Cox, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS


Team Time 3 (coffee available)

Description:  Teams will be provided the opportunity to continue the strategic planning process that was initiated during Team Time 1 and 2.  Teams will be encouraged to review their initiatives and prioritize them in order to identify the one or two areas they can focus on when they return to their institution.  Expert faculty will be available to answer questions and help facilitate the team time exercises.


Closing Remarks and Wrap-up


Organizing One on One Sessions


One on One with Susan and Craig



One on One with Susan and Craig





One on One with Susan and Craig



One on One with Susan and Craig



One on One with Susan and Craig
